Coobird's Blocks is a Breakout-like game written in Java. The game applet can be played at
Read more about Coobird's Blocks >
Coobird's Blocks is open source software available under the modified BSD license. The license is included with each download. Alternatively, you can read the license here.
Coobird's Blocks requires Java(TM) 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v 1.4.2 or later. The newest version of the Java(TM) Runtime Environment is available from Sun Microsystems.
Changes made to Coobird's Blocks is available on in the
included in the archive.
You can also read the changes here.
The current version of Coobird's Blocks is 0.2. It should still be considered a work in progress. The release date is May 8, 2008.
Coobird's Blocks applet (24 KB, ZIP archive)
The Java applet is packed in an Java Archive (JAR) file. To play the game, the applet must be embedded in a web page, or be launched from Applet Viewer. An example webpage (HTML) is included in the ZIP archive.
Coobird's Blocks application (25 KB, ZIP archive)
The Java application is also packed as a Java Archive (JAR) file.
There is no installation procedure to Coobird's Blocks.
Unzip the ZIP archive and copy the JAR file to a location of your choice.
The JAR file can be executed by double-clicking the file (in Windows) or
thorugh the command line using the java
application launcher.
Coobird's Blocks source code (25 KB, ZIP archive)
Coobird's Blocks is part of the net.coobird.blocks package. To compile Coobird's Blocks,
you'll want to run javac
from the directory that contains the
In Windows, you'll want to run the compiler by
javac -source net\coobird\blocks\*.java
. For more information on how
to use javac
, please refer to the
The following is the past releases of Coobird's Blocks:
Coobird's Blocks 0.1